Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our try at all natural DIY

So, as part of my 30x30 list, I included all natural cleaners to it. This was after talking to my boyfriend and telling him a random statistic I found online stating that women who work from home are 55% more likely to get cancer. Could it be the chemicals in the cleaners?? Who knows. But he found it to be a good idea and even tho I was the one that had thought of it, he kinda took off running with the idea.

Now, we are not the all natural purist types. We love processed food and we drive a 20 yr old polution mobile. My son wears disposable diapers and we leave lights on constantly. So we are taking baby steps and finding what does and doesn't work for us.

Just to get an idea we did some researching online. And let me tell you, some was not enough. We found a few recipes we liked and thought they would be cheap and easy and perfect....NOT. We ran to about 5 different stores one night trying to get all the little things we may need for all the recipes we wrote down. Not only did we waste $$ in gas driving around, but we wasted $$ on products that we didn't even need. So if this is an avenue you're considering I would strongly advise watching and taking notes on youtube, and visiting some other blogs/forums etc. til you find exactly what fits your families needs.

So here was our first try at a shower cleaner. I have yet to try it on my shower but my kitchen sink loved it! I'll list the ingredients then I'll tell you where I found them since that was the trouble for us.

1 cup Baking Soda--->any baking isle in any store. NOTE-the orange box. Not to be confused with baking powder
1/3 cup Borax--->found this relatively cheap at Target. I checked the Dollar Tree and Rite Aid first with no luck
1/2 cup liquid Castile Soap(dr bronners brand)--->This is not cheap. I found it at Target. My recipe I found did not tell me specifically what kind so I bought the mildest one, which was also the most expensive :( In the future I will probably find it online with free shipping and save myself a few bucks and the trouble. Or I will find a recipe to make my own and post that soon and save us all some $$
2 Tablespoons of White Distilled Vinegar--->also found at all grocery stores
1 cup warm water
Essential oils---> I think I used Eucalyptus. I found three scents at Rite Aid so that trip wasn't a complete bust. I think we started with about 5 drops. You can add more for a stronger aroma. Essential oils don't only smell good, but certain ones have antibacterial, antifungal, and many more "anti" properties that make them perfect for cleaning. The best I've found that cover the most of the "anti" categories are Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Pine, Tea Tree, and Sandalwood. I only found 3 of these at the store tho.

So we bought some $1 set of funnels and even a few squirt bottles. This mixture is a little too think to squirt so when I tested it out on my white porcelain sink I just shook it up and then poured a little onto a sponge.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 30x30 Journey

I have reached that sensitive time in my life...I recently turned 29! I was so sad. Thinking "this is it". The end of my youth and adventure. I'm a mother of 2, so some of that has diminished a smidge in the last 8 yrs, but putting a number on it made the doom feel more impeding. But I told myself you can choose one of the following. You can:

A) sulk and cry and regret the things I hadn't done or
B) embrace it and own it and do some of the things you must had subconsciously been saving for just this moment

........I clearly chose B! And from that point I was inspired to compile a list of 30 things I wanted to achieve before I turn 30.

Originally 30 things sounded like a breeze. I knew there had to be way more than 30 things I've been yearning to try or experience or even wanting to modify in myself. But this list has turned into a little stinker! I still haven't finished compiling it and I have been 29 for an entire month now. I've already wasted a month and hadn't done anything I had set out to do. So below you will find my list to date and I will be randomly picking one to complete and I will make sure to share it with everyone. Some things are personal things I enjoy, and some are really things I'm pushing myself to try. And if anyone has some they would like to suggest I clearly could use them.

1) Start a Blog--->and keep up with it. ***WooHoo*** That's one goal half achieved
2) Complete one Pinterest craft per month. I am a constant pinner and not so much a doer
3) Make our own all natural cleaning products
4 )Have a grown up Vegas weekend
5) $5 FUND--->When I find myself with more than one $5 bill, I save it and will keep saving the whole year
6) Send a soldier a care package
7) Learn to knit
8) Visit Crater Lake
9) Try keeping a journal again
10) Sell 3 pieces of my salvage furniture redos
11) Compost Compost Compost
12) Take more pictures, and let more be taken of me. this is a hard one
13) Pick a month and don't buy anything NEW for the entire month. I will explain specifics when the time comes
14) Watch every Oscar winning movie for Best Picture
15) Do a 5k for a charity I feel strongly about
16) Do a (unspecified amount)k for fun! i want it to be more about the fun of the run and not the distance on this one
17) Bye Bye plastic bags. I will be converting to reusable
18) Fix my mothers childhood quilt  this one is tough too! Not only do I not know how to sew, but the quilt is ruined but it means the world to my mom.
19) Volunteer with my daughter
20) Try being Vegetarian for 4 weeks...or longer :)
21) Since we're going chemical free with the cleaning supplies we're going to try switching to hormone free foods as well.
22) Read one acclaimed book every month
23) Build something from scratch. Who needs Ikea anyway
24) Manage our family finances boring but something I should have learned to do a long time ago

And that is as far as my mind can go it seems. My list isn't anything crazy. But I don't want to include things that are too outlandish that I'll never even glance at them twice, but I want them hard enough and rewarding at the same time. If I do more than 30 that's ok too. I'm sure thru the year I will remember more things I wanted to try, see, or do and will just throw it up there.